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Era 19 Will Begin Server time 2024-10-20 11:00:00.

Name Rank Alliance Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
TheNewEra #21 20 #18 #23 #24 #22
Forbidden Circle #22 18 #21 #22 #25 #21
Australians #23 4 #20 #17 #27 #30
The Silent Faction #24 13 #25 #25 #19 #24
MEXICO #25 5 #28 #24 #33 #25
GEA #26 23 #27 #27 #29 #29
BlackDemons Clans #27 8 #26 #36 #22 #23
the cover of night #28 3 #29 #30 #31 #32
⌘ NORGE ⌘ #29 4 #34 #31 #26 #31
Neutral-Independant #30 6 #31 #33 #30 #26
Dedicated Elite Soldiers #31 10 #32 #32 #20 #27
Nameless #32 7 #24 #38 #28 #28
Snake Fist Apocalypse #33 6 #35 #26 #32 #33
Heaven's Kingdom #34 3 #30 #37 #35 #34
Arctic Falcon #35 1 #36 #34 #39 #35
Inferno #36 2 #37 #29 #36 #40
Polanie Alliance #37 2 #45 #43 #43 #37
Crete #38 1 #49 #41 #38 #46
USA #39 3 #38 #40 #45 #45
Master #40 2 #46 #44 #46 #39
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