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Era 19 will end in.. 6 days, 5 hours, 21 minutes and 5 seconds

ERA 10 Start Date June 1, 2021 / End Date October 31, 2021
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
Derpalicious #41 2,425,431 Hobbits #36 #50 #59 #73
1,016,672,322 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 451,604,572,070 271,567,285,626 350,081,907,997 372,805,374,548
KillerK #42 214,739 Orcs #67 #86 #40 #40
586,071,034 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 275,021,909,455 167,471,714,151 681,667,806,289 960,616,798,323
destroyer_m #43 241,516 Orcs #76 #76 #34 #49
252,752,456 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 246,184,417,216 192,207,968,907 717,995,468,639 852,683,586,969
Aldy #44 1,439,811 Hobbits #56 #95 #53 #32
1,150,132,503 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 304,066,168,358 150,137,918,783 372,144,281,363 1,087,961,016,884
Gral_katzen #45 665,085 Elves #45 #64 #57 #71
1,110,012,584 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 357,905,990,512 229,224,524,275 357,181,622,495 422,608,798,209
fen_ #46 243,970 Dwarves #110 #51 #36 #56
271,108,291 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 180,641,155,756 266,658,839,289 703,249,315,535 699,870,498,031
Gazza #47 243,788 Orcs #88 #71 #39 #55
345,231,088 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 223,808,572,203 203,660,541,405 694,181,860,345 725,845,268,527
EpikGamer #48 2,005,436 Hobbits #42 #94 #65 #53
764,946,912 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 400,401,892,490 150,735,622,419 329,020,152,770 796,644,107,924
Titaniumwulf #49 706,419 Dwarves #74 #30 #99 #59
1,246,047,606 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 251,158,345,543 554,309,888,557 213,293,274,278 612,703,933,348
Dewy #50 2,645,293 Hobbits #32 #100 #67 #64
893,156,767 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 505,186,012,337 143,457,390,408 320,700,433,255 568,456,721,564
Verticoli #51 776,887 Elves #66 #85 #35 #82
868,823,550 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 277,875,055,782 169,142,444,567 709,947,878,000 323,772,276,021
PaPaPostal #52 4,389,195 Undead #64 #77 #62 #70
928,786,036 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 279,557,662,864 191,976,460,749 332,644,564,486 422,992,178,252
kitten #53 279,046 Humans #84 #82 #48 #60
135,888,508 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 231,801,536,599 180,120,768,498 509,145,774,527 600,838,466,823
WolfKilla74 #54 396,834 Elves #95 #42 #29 #122
374,721,175 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 213,084,627,049 381,862,783,654 819,168,578,344 161,629,639,018
Ruthless-NGF #55 1,704,828 Hobbits #59 #56 #97 #76
1,034,528,812 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 295,588,456,394 244,208,068,701 221,960,674,124 358,220,469,014
Takeshi_Kitano #56 6,098,153 Hobbits #43 #41 #98 #108
1,399,799,702 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 394,019,154,912 382,709,154,121 216,607,118,801 215,023,039,060
Ernie_Keebler-RB #57 3,209,879 Elves #77 #79 #70 #72
711,324,790 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 245,675,209,285 189,919,489,926 291,723,841,746 377,205,433,814
kubala #58 344,061 Hobbits #62 #99 #68 #79
353,558,715 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 288,747,694,092 143,494,101,897 300,741,482,511 340,477,810,397
Khennjo #59 2,507,714 Hobbits #60 #68 #92 #93
1,107,502,578 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 294,613,709,364 207,616,010,089 236,645,976,885 266,812,545,450
Wotan #60 3,627,217 Humans #49 #49 #102 #116
1,347,659,576 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 338,366,599,719 296,069,056,303 204,061,090,231 180,636,043,434
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