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ERA 11 Start Date December 6, 2021 / End Date April 24, 2022
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
NoMasters-RL #1 22,051,611 Dwarves #1 #1 #2 #1
239,755,419,621 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 12,607,291,905,070 17,738,202,016,573 10,247,448,239,587 14,320,182,743,582
Tricus #2 15,360,474 Orcs #3 #2 #4 #3
230,689,643 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 7,862,052,328,262 11,374,082,515,604 8,867,705,034,569 10,762,790,197,111
Bean-RB #3 9,682,359 Elves #2 #4 #1 #6
511,494,973 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 7,865,600,090,555 5,877,150,411,318 10,522,882,399,055 9,427,713,604,751
Nuke #4 13,406,881 Hobbits #4 #3 #5 #4
226,984,310 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 7,745,404,667,052 7,264,228,720,028 7,203,702,384,521 9,647,942,655,276
TheGodFather_LaCN #5 12,025,006 Elves #5 #5 #3 #5
181,770,745 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 5,305,851,493,932 5,377,356,182,877 10,102,967,459,296 9,436,262,265,332
Dragons_Legacy #6 17,945,312 Hobbits #6 #6 #7 #2
288,753,401 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 3,865,322,389,056 4,925,882,379,548 3,152,796,975,313 11,097,094,603,071
Drama- #7 6,781,895 Hobbits #7 #7 #6 #7
127,250,267 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 3,448,306,115,215 2,359,179,793,090 3,625,621,635,119 4,976,494,819,638
Lush_puppy #8 4,083,703 Orcs #8 #8 #9 #8
206,959,062 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 2,999,970,677,693 2,190,702,252,816 2,711,816,851,594 3,055,797,443,048
BRAWL_Dragon #9 4,903,280 Elves #9 #13 #10 #12
242,229,147 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 1,911,984,510,038 1,085,821,382,403 2,154,407,790,436 2,207,331,662,984
Uttan #10 5,095,290 Orcs #12 #12 #14 #9
137,933,135 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 1,298,872,114,898 1,346,295,540,524 1,757,857,746,230 2,610,617,389,816
God- #11 2,640,805 Hobbits #11 #14 #13 #16
418,932,756 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 1,334,862,767,955 999,601,167,073 1,781,484,540,438 2,140,085,915,982
QoSD #12 3,970,112 Hobbits #13 #17 #18 #15
145,903,846 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 1,105,963,786,235 763,253,477,547 1,484,398,752,623 2,145,880,337,780
Uthred #13 3,292,902 Dwarves #16 #9 #19 #24
130,119,455 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 998,820,148,037 1,854,030,268,953 1,362,847,344,117 1,465,309,212,262
RyAaAnSpikes-BB #14 4,405,137 Hobbits #15 #18 #22 #13
143,645,232 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 1,084,000,901,547 725,660,771,091 1,251,629,881,942 2,192,802,172,710
Grabacr #15 2,531,149 Hobbits #14 #19 #17 #19
135,295,325 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 1,104,785,965,295 594,522,717,188 1,524,108,547,311 1,956,407,359,763
SaulGoodman #16 4,210,821 Hobbits #20 #15 #16 #20
256,965,594 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 839,412,426,561 882,425,419,312 1,590,629,194,119 1,955,805,906,241
fen_ #17 2,030,280 Elves #18 #16 #12 #28
113,264,572 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 933,152,403,399 836,628,635,551 1,811,709,253,440 1,293,988,449,376
FearlessOrc #18 184,286 Hobbits #23 #23 #15 #14
79,122,268 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 624,989,836,192 452,888,585,390 1,660,712,010,951 2,171,031,610,168
JohnnySpaghetti #19 5,879,786 Orcs #21 #11 #20 #27
144,926,189 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 727,500,108,802 1,459,743,866,239 1,336,045,485,125 1,314,368,576,149
AaA-BB-THK #20 1,843,779 Hobbits #17 #20 #23 #22
106,679,953 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 938,532,060,394 568,336,810,057 1,138,535,809,593 1,691,125,229,062
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