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ERA 12 Start Date May 13, 2021 / End Date October 1, 2022
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
-Dank #1 9,911,667 Dwarves #1 #1 #1 #1
399,265,032 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 8,416,029,181,435 11,674,873,716,379 8,021,792,165,243 11,935,856,010,653
ewok-SB #2 10,306,337 Dwarves #2 #2 #2 #2
254,022,670 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 3,945,901,861,805 10,823,104,455,865 6,922,363,274,718 8,113,146,867,398
Tusnek__RL #3 4,634,367 Dwarves #3 #3 #3 #3
116,807,930 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 3,778,334,410,304 6,682,880,684,717 5,967,594,002,139 5,675,179,479,975
Tricus #4 7,704,637 Dwarves #4 #4 #4 #4
124,006,108 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 3,100,768,661,581 5,009,118,287,454 4,157,639,945,494 3,978,615,710,374
TheGodFather_LaCN #5 2,589,166 Hobbits #5 #5 #5 #7
54,069,446 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,953,281,613,358 1,736,426,237,552 2,208,276,821,781 2,924,104,260,308
Chris2004_LGC #6 3,435,538 Hobbits #6 #6 #7 #5
126,522,623 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,643,044,413,746 1,561,930,573,653 1,938,760,934,469 3,170,228,735,594
HoTiX #7 3,508,335 Hobbits #11 #8 #9 #8
510,458,292 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,355,870,091,622 1,398,718,715,691 1,662,857,895,881 2,685,377,534,061
BeerButcher #8 856,181 Elves #8 #7 #11 #12
79,863,266 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,544,703,396,048 1,418,722,567,507 1,594,194,373,844 1,863,724,846,431
Quicksilver91 #9 2,043,438 Orcs #7 #12 #10 #10
131,559,693 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,641,474,570,805 1,150,584,772,762 1,605,921,869,064 1,997,102,957,926
ILOVEBON69 #10 1,944,761 Hobbits #10 #10 #12 #9
112,358,116 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,397,281,560,233 1,396,852,997,883 1,486,836,776,941 2,589,058,963,010
ISabUrGold #11 3,242,814 Elves #13 #11 #6 #14
270,378,679 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,288,116,062,169 1,388,739,203,034 2,033,801,622,296 1,755,467,399,688
HaRdHouse #12 3,231,076 Hobbits #9 #13 #13 #11
260,992,567 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,437,421,556,343 1,075,063,089,419 1,477,429,122,546 1,960,040,957,107
Junebugkitty #13 1,162,128 Hobbits #15 #14 #16 #18
111,411,368 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,146,345,779,621 1,072,151,303,084 1,367,944,872,981 1,552,668,785,324
blank #14 825,189 Orcs #12 #18 #18 #17
378,646,967 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,335,601,697,055 951,849,810,003 1,237,256,506,606 1,607,434,203,919
Cereal_Killer #15 2,278,273 Hobbits #14 #15 #17 #19
111,367,817 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,153,080,208,379 1,028,830,948,849 1,329,844,423,226 1,534,233,565,478
Uttan #16 1,742,972 Humans #21 #20 #21 #16
119,537,569 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 854,065,293,130 652,240,144,419 1,074,802,450,210 1,692,029,739,079
OzeMo #17 7,074,306 Hobbits #20 #17 #31 #15
405,687,737 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 914,730,471,584 982,567,268,865 792,726,075,903 1,714,099,088,430
mister_poker #18 1,975,462 Undead #17 #26 #20 #21
67,339,247 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 957,099,344,395 536,228,517,921 1,106,201,581,922 1,455,897,859,866
Imaginary #19 6,308,974 Dwarves #28 #9 #24 #34
381,900,649 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 614,865,611,745 1,397,743,029,608 979,531,714,230 1,077,016,692,377
Olos #20 4,486,102 Elves #36 #19 #22 #26
142,504,017 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 493,946,839,157 862,692,363,678 1,000,194,206,913 1,168,444,866,808
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