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ERA 15 Start Date June 16, 2023 / End Date October 14, 2023
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
JayBagz-RL #1 2,887,633 Humans #2 #2 #2 #1
50,213,725 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 1,034,026,869,277 725,014,746,942 1,305,540,748,596 1,558,015,011,206
BB-RL #2 1,514,175 Undead #3 #4 #4 #2
13,006,260 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 502,615,461,774 611,824,236,536 731,064,140,875 1,385,473,946,004
Rasta #3 1,745,615 Undead #4 #8 #5 #3
13,810,984 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 450,451,984,230 439,480,706,280 690,821,727,303 1,252,076,356,669
Issnar-RL #4 1,314,181 Undead #5 #9 #6 #14
16,722,385 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 440,276,533,317 424,548,428,787 675,303,528,797 868,166,395,568
MadHoTiX #5 1,281,623 Undead #9 #10 #8 #9
20,027,010 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 373,723,862,965 414,893,737,045 655,933,020,569 954,482,585,511
fire_Lacn #6 1,180,008 Undead #10 #12 #10 #5
10,691,989 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 362,387,530,083 380,270,140,409 634,051,973,137 1,098,382,444,319
TJFF #7 908,417 Undead #7 #14 #9 #10
15,463,439 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 377,030,704,691 347,626,283,828 645,582,304,647 923,367,652,211
Buhibov-RL #8 1,859,055 Undead #11 #17 #14 #7
235,953,900 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 353,697,728,569 323,747,756,236 601,817,326,739 966,240,583,402
Nighttrain #9 5,196,367 Undead #17 #15 #11 #8
627,723,267 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 326,777,756,742 333,838,162,996 631,955,010,181 957,255,414,862
Mister_Poker #10 1,182,415 Humans #8 #19 #15 #20
15,894,798 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 375,277,826,006 297,485,548,842 588,658,497,170 744,144,781,924
Debs-RL #11 1,094,876 Undead #15 #22 #19 #15
15,062,595 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 336,444,349,181 249,157,126,000 565,970,685,923 848,715,392,760
Isaya #12 910,579 Undead #18 #16 #18 #19
162,553,884 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 320,250,902,347 328,596,747,881 572,023,646,290 765,608,410,270
Kandarin #13 877,689 Undead #30 #5 #23 #21
1,224,837,298 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 245,488,971,969 568,973,417,521 520,515,704,986 727,521,546,749
MoneyMaker #14 723,695 Undead #26 #25 #25 #25
38,045,310 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 270,716,617,333 234,188,672,321 506,585,823,906 711,141,314,335
Coffeesnob #15 700,465 Humans #6 #24 #36 #36
13,232,744 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 388,704,582,766 242,382,291,214 430,488,087,743 607,009,216,849
escaperoom #16 7,141,408 Humans #25 #27 #24 #27
111,715,677 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 271,679,704,461 224,975,926,752 515,073,826,495 683,070,202,715
AlDente #17 1,096,091 Humans #13 #21 #48 #22
24,854,698 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 347,284,514,894 264,635,816,468 384,825,477,766 724,394,176,286
God- #18 820,217 Undead #24 #13 #37 #37
218,597,349 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 272,619,806,796 371,402,900,269 416,869,459,322 605,109,691,787
FrasierCrane #19 695,206 Humans #16 #26 #40 #35
22,594,624 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 330,885,195,117 227,180,594,875 407,247,252,928 632,844,323,610
Dagger_Two #20 475,931 Undead #42 #41 #39 #12
22,930,303 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 209,525,574,643 172,000,675,128 407,830,477,628 898,775,468,082
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