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ERA 16 Start Date October 14, 2023 / End Date February 24, 2024
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
Buhi-RL #1 5,537,157 Hobbits #8 #5 #11 #4
74,303,706 Gold Morgoth Hancock 17,387,256,299,728 17,344,559,011,879 6,668,601,311,229 13,967,038,211,538
firekilla #2 4,947,343 Hobbits #14 #4 #21 #5
60,401,557 Gold Morgoth Hancock 15,489,158,171,701 18,398,126,648,787 5,075,908,873,759 13,909,660,917,150
Farm_Boy #3 17,320,791 Hobbits #28 #3 #14 #6
106,378,839 Gold Morgoth Hancock 12,554,626,555,022 25,038,185,700,006 6,006,680,223,693 13,634,926,751,774
Kinzo_DEMK #4 9,148,495 Hobbits #34 #9 #18 #2
88,696,448 Gold Morgoth Hancock 11,621,246,327,343 16,086,692,409,379 5,312,985,960,648 15,362,400,686,823
W_W-RL #5 4,263,265 Hobbits #9 #16 #26 #13
40,819,448 Gold Morgoth Hancock 16,343,130,371,422 13,084,117,407,043 4,575,464,547,970 10,990,473,830,318
Jinzer #6 3,505,180 Dwarves #24 #12 #31 #9
80,085,618 Gold Morgoth Hancock 13,220,754,853,977 14,657,799,183,582 4,235,651,006,824 12,260,085,009,769
Mister_Poker #7 4,287,666 Goblins #13 #27 #25 #17
68,112,797 Gold Morgoth Hancock 15,761,519,507,078 9,825,255,525,306 4,725,991,064,236 10,600,587,473,319
fen_ #8 3,490,669 Hobbits #31 #7 #28 #20
138,645,559 Gold Morgoth Hancock 12,404,253,319,667 16,906,906,735,042 4,517,284,090,731 10,189,298,560,635
LancelotLN #9 3,388,290 Hobbits #27 #24 #13 #23
214,450,907 Gold Morgoth Hancock 12,717,787,733,499 10,271,971,888,658 6,138,761,471,880 9,194,084,136,457
Imaginary #10 5,755,703 Hobbits #32 #22 #35 #15
71,233,400 Gold Morgoth Hancock 12,399,187,747,288 11,269,766,140,646 3,920,559,705,194 10,725,187,560,349
MrEspresso #11 3,720,498 Hobbits #22 #18 #20 #48
53,285,933 Gold Morgoth Hancock 13,684,670,964,478 12,778,717,362,128 5,154,148,821,731 4,802,994,030,820
Makulu #12 2,326,784 Hobbits #17 #10 #41 #41
790,444,610 Gold Morgoth Hancock 14,237,701,321,084 15,385,774,734,211 3,666,001,036,415 5,789,646,561,344
Keneva #13 1,758,284 Hobbits #15 #39 #23 #35
94,108,815 Gold Morgoth Hancock 14,782,735,647,881 6,487,383,680,275 4,888,179,521,147 6,758,224,109,955
Nighttrain #14 3,805,874 Hobbits #3 #64 #19 #27
88,825,912 Gold Morgoth Hancock 20,229,660,527,080 4,481,078,735,446 5,179,709,507,528 8,267,503,216,821
Berth_RL #15 2,192,474 Hobbits #30 #20 #45 #18
338,648,228 Gold Morgoth Hancock 12,439,594,103,546 11,659,439,411,535 3,547,140,189,113 10,480,485,511,939
Balin-TFL #16 3,378,521 Hobbits #59 #6 #46 #8
49,425,245 Gold Morgoth Hancock 8,201,649,483,224 17,298,823,482,669 3,531,663,800,288 12,319,330,802,346
TJFF #17 3,002,613 Hobbits #38 #26 #29 #26
37,907,373 Gold Morgoth Hancock 10,908,855,528,983 9,991,159,367,228 4,390,428,489,688 8,365,820,980,907
QoSD #18 3,717,301 Hobbits #20 #14 #43 #43
62,159,445 Gold Morgoth Hancock 13,893,861,470,359 13,590,099,015,532 3,577,394,809,995 5,410,602,619,610
Tyranitar #19 2,889,667 Hobbits #48 #30 #32 #11
56,511,155 Gold Morgoth Hancock 9,041,037,996,399 8,808,064,158,507 4,047,460,020,040 11,224,549,606,489
Besiktass #20 4,225,117 Hobbits #25 #29 #37 #34
64,888,759 Gold Morgoth Hancock 12,951,009,089,029 8,857,655,625,186 3,871,185,818,139 7,084,065,309,213
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