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ERA 5 Start Date September 18, 2019 / End Date January 1, 2020
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
MadGeorge-SR #1 2,645,104 Orcs #1 #1 #3 #1
20,392,618,849 Gold Cannons Hand of God 1,322,707,686,792 1,056,621,213,174 1,514,661,347,722 1,666,214,709,072
Squishy_LoP #2 2,778,034 Elves #3 #2 #1 #2
12,270,514,584 Gold Cannons Hand of God 869,517,914,637 758,358,784,717 1,751,040,865,443 1,276,775,086,662
Brandonito #3 1,960,095 Dwarves #4 #3 #2 #3
26,120,372,796 Gold Cannons Hand of God 835,660,258,183 648,607,358,538 1,711,352,997,983 1,156,990,681,711
The_RMFz #4 1,140,969 Elves #5 #7 #4 #5
3,702,537 Gold Cannons Hand of God 465,271,088,975 329,112,987,096 1,070,923,286,631 774,406,347,055
noga-SR #5 2,980,338 Dwarves #2 #4 #9 #7
1,836,500,126 Gold Cannons Hand of God 1,234,879,679,056 519,639,559,633 647,226,615,900 752,550,116,463
MarcoPolo #6 2,174,965 Elves #7 #5 #5 #9
7,946,729 Gold Cannons Hand of God 389,044,734,164 439,788,995,617 787,363,125,654 680,202,031,676
TheHotFather_LaCN #7 845,330 Humans #11 #10 #6 #4
2,129,050,913 Gold Cannons Hand of God 302,007,396,837 244,080,724,495 732,523,004,666 915,417,012,871
TheGodFather_LaCN #8 766,532 Orcs #9 #6 #7 #10
1,043,415,560 Gold Cannons Hand of God 341,088,711,163 340,105,698,261 721,990,546,422 621,842,588,641
Mylena #9 1,297,371 Hobbits #10 #9 #15 #6
4,314,894 Gold Cannons Hand of God 327,995,453,301 254,465,681,851 495,956,346,492 773,659,849,832
VikingWarrior #10 1,366,143 Elves #6 #12 #12 #11
17,745,965 Gold Cannons Hand of God 396,434,952,887 196,261,007,888 571,412,415,025 532,056,364,894
justindifferent #11 845,840 Elves #13 #13 #8 #13
58,988,947 Gold Cannons Hand of God 263,929,673,753 193,657,313,842 673,804,477,265 482,282,392,625
OldMilwaukee #12 2,278,636 Elves #14 #8 #13 #14
7,062,338 Gold Cannons Hand of God 225,661,276,331 286,823,075,167 563,425,752,053 481,441,081,013
Janky #13 1,027,161 Elves #12 #14 #11 #12
3,460,552 Gold Cannons Hand of God 265,933,597,811 165,501,560,388 598,374,102,107 499,035,833,486
Ra_LoP #14 1,027,741 Orcs #8 #15 #20 #15
83,795,187 Gold Cannons Hand of God 387,010,141,418 149,978,834,347 408,262,365,068 434,005,142,619
Gaby-NWO #15 839,487 Elves #15 #18 #18 #21
47,582,273 Gold Cannons Hand of God 145,338,344,924 92,522,497,004 424,982,212,427 357,513,663,806
Venom_OG #16 1,250,000 Elves #16 #19 #22 #22
3,062,110 Gold Cannons Hand of God 144,843,251,611 79,543,572,536 366,049,384,651 356,873,081,511
Mobeus-SR #17 347,020 Elves #25 #17 #21 #24
2,133,911 Gold Cannons Hand of God 97,871,305,917 95,307,985,522 405,890,895,529 299,280,761,023
kristocrates #18 648,895 Elves #17 #22 #16 #35
7,241,901 Gold Cannons Hand of God 141,719,184,113 70,813,350,073 449,160,617,370 221,835,855,950
Influencer_DEMK #19 980,039 Dwarves #23 #20 #19 #33
2,349,107 Gold Cannons Hand of God 103,234,458,355 79,033,649,102 421,076,270,740 237,298,158,962
King_Caulk #20 243,341 Elves #36 #44 #10 #19
89,152,803 Gold Cannons Hand of God 71,136,305,921 38,757,501,454 599,844,554,230 372,050,374,176
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