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ERA 6 Start Date January 1, 2020 / End Date April 4, 2020
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
LancelotNL #1 2,531,861 Dwarves #2 #1 #1 #2
1,695,896,022 Gold Cannons Hand of God 606,434,311,476 974,236,139,594 2,265,541,614,810 2,231,588,003,635
BigBubba-RL #2 3,478,920 Hobbits #1 #2 #3 #1
92,743,849 Gold Cannons Hand of God 874,451,663,759 491,736,663,433 1,773,515,796,179 2,673,925,104,461
Aronnas-RB #3 1,322,793 Elves #3 #3 #2 #3
59,771,518 Gold Cannons Hand of God 540,042,951,369 257,026,137,592 2,258,554,393,589 1,919,748,885,118
noga-SR #4 2,498,175 Elves #4 #6 #4 #4
1,535,227,183 Gold Cannons Hand of God 200,740,740,125 147,099,408,417 1,036,080,896,133 995,644,052,142
The_RMFz #5 3,441,473 Dwarves #5 #4 #6 #6
88,561,044 Gold Cannons Hand of God 192,666,094,601 241,060,289,891 760,422,371,448 729,696,051,012
Dank #6 2,127,196 Elves #7 #8 #5 #7
56,564,110 Gold Cannons Hand of God 160,630,137,162 138,710,429,557 768,891,070,276 622,007,640,710
TheBanker-SR #7 1,625,106 Dwarves #8 #5 #7 #8
38,900,433 Gold Cannons Hand of God 151,967,903,907 192,362,041,318 508,850,617,820 372,406,442,307
Squishy_LoP #8 4,241,191 Hobbits #11 #9 #9 #5
2,069,085,535 Gold Cannons Hand of God 91,922,391,340 85,812,613,629 303,454,988,898 942,968,891,056
Micaelis #9 2,388,030 Elves #6 #7 #11 #15
65,937,032 Gold Cannons Hand of God 174,396,138,217 142,845,548,124 222,534,385,188 220,120,350,658
Lady_Rowan #10 2,968,032 Orcs #10 #10 #13 #11
76,364,563 Gold Cannons Hand of God 101,829,482,974 62,668,722,905 181,878,250,200 278,825,969,652
Barren #11 1,701,578 Elves #13 #11 #12 #10
44,081,730 Gold Cannons Hand of God 82,530,169,209 58,424,710,114 190,142,172,353 309,577,201,503
TheGodFather_LaCN #12 1,026,568 Hobbits #14 #17 #8 #9
849,442,020 Gold Cannons Hand of God 77,657,746,151 41,472,870,521 354,246,670,098 316,997,113,881
MarcoPolo #13 1,075,666 Hobbits #9 #13 #14 #14
39,301,130 Gold Cannons Hand of God 110,435,312,356 49,950,583,526 161,508,354,623 244,614,476,114
Blash-ToF #14 2,415,872 Hobbits #12 #14 #15 #12
72,763,122 Gold Cannons Hand of God 86,865,061,826 44,943,216,450 138,552,715,521 269,956,749,369
CrackHead #15 288,433 Hobbits #18 #16 #17 #19
22,847,536 Gold Cannons Hand of God 56,399,145,111 43,430,304,020 129,601,278,477 178,934,487,096
AnyDank #16 582,664 Undead #22 #28 #10 #13
17,033,457 Gold Cannons Hand of God 42,907,879,672 21,399,601,351 285,261,336,940 256,180,456,581
kissmyaxe #17 2,600,635 Undead #19 #20 #19 #16
68,503,569 Gold Cannons Hand of God 54,676,134,478 34,108,009,671 114,109,814,576 209,243,244,878
Napox #18 2,217,511 Hobbits #20 #12 #25 #17
62,199,966 Gold Cannons Hand of God 53,149,646,896 57,590,405,487 92,519,201,310 191,326,600,414
Ra_LoP #19 815,177 Hobbits #17 #21 #20 #18
26,581,862 Gold Cannons Hand of God 57,968,743,596 29,036,140,611 105,693,007,468 179,971,284,501
Razorbear #20 1,669,299 Orcs #23 #24 #34 #20
63,193,847 Gold Cannons Hand of God 38,404,876,360 23,223,489,988 65,900,384,925 175,813,066,196
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