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Welcome to Era 18. Where's Timer?


Every Era new additions/changes/adjustments will be recorded here.


New Changes


Era 18


New Style Preferences.

  • New Layouts you can change via Style preferences at the bottom of your Command Center.
  • New Themes you can change via Style preferences at the bottom of your Command Center.

New Mechanics.

  • Poison has been added, new personnel, new tools, new upgrades.
  • Theft has been added, new personnel, new tools, new upgrades.
  • Poison, Antidote, Theft, and Vigilance are 4 new additional ratings. They will also affect your final rank.
  • New personnel now give the same turn based gold as Spies and Sentries.
  • New Rewards for Poison, Antidote, Theft, Vigilance have been added to the Rewards page.

Gameplay Changes.

  • Raids will now cost 15 turns, gold stolen from raiding has also been reduced.
  • Race specific weapons have been removed. SA, DA, Spy, Sentry, Poison, Antidote, Theft, Vigilance weapons/tools have been reduced to 4 for each category.
  • Vault Tax will be removed every 6 hours, total is still 5% per 24hrs.
  • When attacking a player with lower TFF, the gold steal will be between 50% - 70% of what that player is holding.
  • When attacking a player with higher TFF, the gold steal will be between 80% - 100% of what that player is holding.
  • Buddy icons on battlefield now show what each one is when you hover over the icon on battlefield

Sabotage changes.

  • Sabotage now costs 1 turn.
  • Gold reduced to be a random steal between 0% - 2%.
  • Exp reduced to random 0 - 2 exp gained per successful mission.
  • Casualties of spies and sentries have been reduced by half for the player sabotaged.
  • Type of weapons/tools dropdown on sabotage page is now sorted and made easier to find the weapon/tool you want to target.
  • When a player is maxed by you/revenge maxed by you/maxed by others maxed icons now display on the players stats page as well as the battlefield.

Finally, yes the site has had a revamp/remaster of the images used for:

  • Remastered KoC Logo.
  • Race Shields.
  • Animated KoC Logo.
  • New Theme Shields.
  • Top Navigation Links/Shields.
  • Side Menu Era Image/Navigation Buttons.
  • Old Brick Design Changed Skull & Chains Added Top Of Page.
  • New Navigation Buttons On Every Page.
  • War List Page Buttons.
  • New Donor Shield, New Buddy Icons, Maxed Icons.
  • News Page Final Rankings Shields.
  • Join Race Buttons.

I have been wanting to update the images without taking away the nostaglic KoC design. This has been achieved with the help of DLSMIZEL and many thanks to him for understanding not wanting to change how KoC looks and helping with the designs to make everything look a lot crispier.

If you would like help with your designs, feel free to check out his website


Era 17

  • Race bonuses as usual every era.
  • Attackers EXP has been increased from 10 EXP for a defended attack to 40 EXP, successful attacks still receive 120 EXP.
  • Raids have been reduced from 20 per player to 10.
  • Raid cost is now 10 from 20 turns and successful raids now give 15 EXP and defended give 8 EXP.
  • Vault change, 5% of your total Vault gold will be removed every 24 hours.
  • Vac mode limited to 1 use for the era, still can choose 3 - 10 days but vacation mode is not a war mechanic/tactic and you can use it but only once.
  • SA/DA multiplier reduced back to 30%.
  • Sabotage ratio changed from 1:1.7 to 1:1.5.
  • Spy vs Sentry ratio on recons changed from 1.5 to 1.3 needed.
  • Extra attempt on revenge sabbs.
  • Ability to send 50 spies per sabb mission.

Era 16

  • Conquests that give you gold now add your gold to the VAULT, you can see your VAULT increase on the Conquest page.
  • Attack/raid gold goes directly to your VAULT. You can still stack hits for upgrades. If you want to win this era, you will have to do so on your own merits.
  • SPM increased each level x2, you will start with 2 SPM & max SPM will become 100.
  • SA/DA upgrades levels now increase by 40% instead of 30%.
  • Economy gold has been increased.
  • Race bonuses have been changed, make sure you choose wisely the race you want to play.
  • Daily login bonus now includes turns.
  • For Quality of life, Sabotage weapons/tools list has been sorted by highest strength.
  • Sentry tool strength now matches strength of Spy tools.
  • Commander change trade cost has been changed to 3,000 exp, Race change trade has been increased to 10,000 exp.
  • Trade for soldiers increased from 300 to 650 soldiers for 100 EXP.
  • SA, DA, Spy and Sentry upgrades now have 2 extra levels, yes levels Jerry!!!!.
  • Successful sabotage/Revenge sabotage on rewards page require 100m value sabbed to add to the reward counter.

Era 15

  • SAFE Withdrawals now go directly to your Vault.
  • SAFE gold increased up to 5b.
  • Conquests now have 2 more levels, gold has been adjusted.
  • Conquests stop giving gold after 600 attempts for all levels.
  • Raid attempts have been increased to 20 a day per player.
  • Attack attempts have been reduced from 12 to 10 a day per player.
  • Farm list ratio changed to 1:2 from 1:5.
  • Farm list scans have been reduced to 15 per half hour.
  • Casualty losses including coverts loss from Raids/Attacks have been increased.
  • ctrl + F5/ctrl + R is back on attack.php and stats.php.
  • 2m Weapons/Tools have been removed this Era. Long live the BPMs, IS, Chucks, LTs.
  • Resale value for Weapons/Tools increased to 50% from 40%.
  • Race Bonuses have been changed. No Casualty or Hostage bonus this Era.

Era 14v2

  • Casualties from Attacks/Raids have been adjusted/lowered.
  • Soldier per minute upgrade costs have been increased slightly, you can find the new costs listed in the upgrades section on the help page.
  • Players will start with 1 EXP per turn with a 6 EXP upgrade now available.
  • Selling all weapons/tools or individual weapons/tools will now see 100% gold go directly to the vault. You can use that gold in the vault for all upgrades/repairs/buying weapons/tools.
  • Purchasing weapons/tools or repairing weapons will use Vault gold first before your available gold.
  • Daily Login Bonus has been increased, level 1-4 increased by 50% with level 5-7 increase by 100%.
  • Finally, yes finally Soldier trade has been lowered/adjusted so it is more beneficial for players. It will now cost you 100 EXP for 300 Soldiers.
  • SAFE max gold has been increased to 3.3b gold. Just enough to hold for those final upgrades.

Era 14

Soldiers Per Minute.

  • SPM now requires EXP for each upgrade.You can upgrade via the SAFE page using your SAFE experience. Costs for these upgrades can be found here Click


  • Spies/Sentry losses from sabotage has been reduced by 20%


  • Reduced minimum casualties by 5%
  • Reduced maximum casualties by 15%
  • Reduced Covert casualties by 10%
  • Reduced Sentry casualties by 10%


  • Reduced hostages taken by 15%
  • Added hostages taken on raids equal to 10% of what you take on attacks

Farm List page.

  • Farm List page has been changed from 1:10 Spy Vs Sentry for recons to 1:5 now. It has been updated on Farm List page (Ratio is 1:5 Spy:Sentry).


  • Selling your entire armory/individual weapons/tools will now see 30% of your sell go to available funds/visible on battlefield and 70% will go directly to your Vault.
  • If you sell to do an upgrade the upgrade button will use gold from your available funds and your vault gold.
  • If you are selling to someone else, 30% of your sell will be available on the battlefield for anyone to steal, 70% goes directly to your vault.
  • Once your upgrades are all finalized or if you decide not to do any upgrades when you sell then you can rebuy weapons/tools with the gold in your vault. (remember when you sell each time you are subject to the KoC tax of 40% resale value on your weapons/tools.
  • Your current Vault gold will show under Safe gold in the box on the left side under Server Time.
  • Vault gold is displayed on the upgrade page under Available Funds.
  • Vault gold is displayed on the armory page under Available funds.
  • Buying weapons/tools on the armory page will use available funds and will distribute your funds how you have your armory prefill preferences set.
  • Amount of weapons/tools you can buy with Available funds/Vault gold is now displayed correctly.

War List.

  • War List now has Single Target List/War Stats and Alliance War List buttons.
  • Alliance War List updated to show only 30 targets per page to improve page load times. Next/Back buttons and select page buttons added.
  • Drop down box added to remove an alliance from the War List
  • Logging of which Alliance admin performed each action has been added. The display for this will be added at a later date.
  • Mass changing of recommended sab weapon in Alliance War List by selecting the checkboxes and then selecting the weapon to be changed at the bottom of the page.
  • Mass deleting of players from Alliance War List by selecting the checkboxes and pressing remove selected.
  • Clear Alliance War List button added.
  • Select all checkbox added into table header.

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Era 13

New Additions.

  • Growth Tracker: On your Command Center you can now view your personal account growth via the Growth Tracker link. You can check out how your account has changed for the good or the bad over a weekly period.
  • Personal Stats: On your Command Center you can view your personal stats relating to attacks, raids, kills etc.
  • Repair All Button: For Quality of Life you can now partially repair your weapons with what gold you have on hand. No longer do you need to wait to repair all, need to spend some of your gold on repairs you can do so.
  • Alliance Request Recon Via Discord: Once an alliance owner has created a webhook for their alliance discord server it can be added on their alliance page. Members can then request a recon in game via a players stats page that will alert members in their alliance discord channel, once the request is fulfilled it will also notify members on discord.
  • Alliance Share Target Via Discord. Once an alliance owner has created a webhook for their alliance discord server it can be added on their alliance page. Members can then share a target via a players stats page or once a recon has been done on that player. The target will be shared in your alliance discord server for other members to take action against.

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Era 12

  • All players start with 1 Commander Change.
  • All players start with 0 Race Change.

Unit Production

  • Unit Production has been removed, you will need to rely on Soldiers Per Turn and Hostages taken to build your army.

SA/DA Upgrades

  • SA and DA upgrades now have the same multiplier and levels.


  • 5m Weapons/Tools cost has been reduced to 2m gold and carry strength of 2,250.
  • Resale value of weapons/tools set to 40% of buy value.
  • Removed Weapons that really do not need to be available, making way for new Weapons in future Eras.


  • Trade for turns has had a slight adjustment in turns received. There are now only 2 options to trade experience for turns.
  • Race and Commander changes now cost 2,500 Exp.


  • Gold stolen via raiding a player has been increased by 20%.
  • Exp from raids increased from 15 win/5 loss to 25 win/15 loss.
  • Casualties from attacks/raids issue has been rectified, you will now suffer more losses when attacked.
  • Attacking now requires you to have 2.5% SA of the players DA and be within 400 ranks.
  • Higher TFF vs Lower TFF %s adjusted, you will have to work that out for yourself.
  • Lower TFF vs Higher TFF gold steal has been changed. You can steal 100% but not all the time.
  • TFF is now calculated according to Attack Soldiers, Defense Soldiers, Untrained, Attack Mercs, Defense Mercs, Untrained Mercs for both Attacker and Defender. So no more hiding behind Attack Mercs to not lose lots of gold. enjoy!!!!


  • Sabotage attempts changed to 10, Revenge Sabotage attempts changed to 3.
  • Maximum Spies you can send on a sabotage mission has been reduced to 20, gotta help with losing those Tools.
  • Gold and Exp from sabotage now requires 100m value to be sabotaged increased from 10m.
  • Sabotage AAT on a player has been reduced 20%, max % is unchanged so you now have more of a chance to sabotage before revenge sabotage kicks in.
  • Hoarding Sentries is now less effective during sabotage missions. Success ratio has also been adjusted. enjoy!!!!


  • Hostage heal cost is now 1,500 gold per hostage.
  • Hostages will be taken randomly from Untrained, SA, DA, Spies and Sentries.
  • Hostages need to be healed before Sunday, if you do not heal them they will die, 100% hostage deaths every Sunday.


  • Lost Weapons/Tools | Purchases Logs now also shows Hostage logs. You can now see where you lost your hostages when you were attacked.
  • Attack log now shows where you have taken hostages from the personnel of the player you attacked.


  • Safe can now be upgraded to 40%.
  • Deposited Gold now shows per minute, hour and 24hrs.

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Era 11

Experience Safe

Experience Safe: The Safe page now has the option to deposit experience into a bank so that you can save up to upgrade Tech, Econ and Safe.

Experience Cap

Experience is now capped at 30,000. Once your cap is reached your Experience Per Turn is automatically deposited into the Experience Safe. Experience gained from attacking/raids/sabotage/revenge sabotage does not count towards the cap. Only Experience Per Turn is capped.

New Weapons/Tools

New Weapons/Tools added: We have now added 5,000,000 cost weapons/tools with the strength of 4,500. For those not wanting a big army these weapons will be an advantage although strength isn't as high as others ;).

War List

War List: Owners/Admins of an alliance also solo players now can add players to the War List page.

  • Add Player, used to add those pesky players your alliance wants all members to take actions against.
  • Add Alliance, going to war with a certain alliance, use this to add just that alliance you want your members to destroy.
  • Add Chain, not satisfied with just the alliance but want to war all players from SUPREME commander right to the very bottom of the chain.
  • More Info column, click view to see more info from your alliance on that player.
  • Page is not fully functional as we are still working on it.

Farm List

Farm List: finally a page to keep track of those targets you want to farm without having to go through your attack logs.

  • Page is not fully functional as we are still working on it.

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Era 10


Hostages: Hostages can be taken simply by attacking another player. Once you have taken hostages you will need to heal them, you can do this in the Training page. Each Hostage will cost 5,000 gold to heal, once you have healed them they will then become untrained soldiers which will give you gold per turn. You can train them to SA/DA soldiers or Spies/Sentries, if you wish or leave them as untrained. If you choose not to heal them they will remain injured and cannot die during an attack or when attacked, they will remain as Unhealed Hostages for as long as you want them to be and will not give any gold towards your treasury.

**How Hostages work:- You take hostages while attacking another player. Those hostages are taken from Untrained Soldiers, if no Untrained Soldiers then Defense Soldiers are taken, if no Defense Soldiers available then you take Strike Soldiers. Hostages are not taken from Mercenaries, you still lose Mercenaries if you have them from attacks, having Mercenaries stops you from losing Untrained/Defense Soldiers when attacked.**

Revenge Sabotage

Revenge Sabotage: In previous eras if a player who destroyed an item(s) from your armory was capped on their daily sabotage limit, you were helpless as they hid behind gameplay protection. Era 9 is now time for REVENGE, if a player sabotages your armory, you can now sab them back regardless of their daily sabotage limit. You are able to perform 3 attempts max. If you have sabotaged them prior to them being maxxed and find yourself sabotaged by them you will not be able to perform the 3 revenge sabotages. This means either you utilize 10 max attempts on them or you get to revenge sabotage them if they are maxxed when you undertake the sabotage mission.

  • If you sabotage someone before they are maxxed 10x with any of the attempts successful, you do not get to revenge sabotage.
  • If you sabotage someone before they are maxxed and are unsuccessful in your 10 attempts and they sabotage you and they are maxxed, you do get to revenge sabotage them.
  • If someone that has been maxxed sabotages you, you can revenge sabotage them, but you cannot sabotage them for your 10 attempts if they become unmaxxed as you have already revenge sabotaged them.

Soldiers Per Turn

Soldiers Per Minute/Turn: This has now replaced the old monotony of "clicking" or "recruiting" as a way to build your army. You will start the Era with 1 soldier per turn (1440 daily) and can upgrade up to 50 soldiers per turn (72,000 daily). Which path will you choose now? Upgrade lists can be found here KoC Upgrades for your reference.

Donor Status.

See Donate to see what its all about.

  • Donor status on your stats page that will let others know that even though you do not get an advantage over others you do have supporter status.
  • Donor status on our game chat on Discord. Your role gives you donor status and you get access to the donor channel.
  • Donor status on the forum.

Discord Statistics Game Bot

Kings of Chaos would like to introduce our new bot on discord named "koc-stats".

KoC Stats will be available for all players using discord to access all these cool features that we have implemented with more to be added as we move forward. We invite everyone to come on discord, use #koc-stats and let us know what other features you would like to see implemented. This bot is available to all, NO SCRIPTS needed to access #koc-stats, NO need to be in an alliance to use it, all info is available to all. There is no hiding stats from #koc-stats!!!

Here is a list of some of the features available for use:-

  • Attack and Sabotage details for the past 24 hours.
  • Attack and Sabotage details for the past week.
  • Attack and Sabotage details for the past month.
  • Attack and Sabotage details for the whole era.

KoC Stats will also show you:-

  • Top 10 sabbers sorted by gold sabbed away.
  • Top 10 sabbers sorted by gold stolen during sabs.
  • Top 10 sabbers sorted by coverts killed during the missions.
  • Top 10 defenders sorted by gold sabbed from them.
  • Top 10 sabbed players sorted by gold lost during sabs against them.
  • Top 10 sabbed players sorted by total coverts losses during sabs against them.

Alliances will be able to add KoC Stats to their alliance discord servers so all players in all alliances will be able to view game wide statistics. Hope to see all of you on discord, enjoy!!!!

All you have to do is join Discord click here. If you're not verified on Discord, message a moderator, get verified. #KoC-Stats channel will be available for everyone that is verified.

  • Help commands can be seen using main command: "k!help" to teach you what you can get info on using KoC-Stats.
  • Help commands will be available to help you set up koc-stats bot to your own Discord Server.
  • #KoC-Stats channel to ask questions relating to koc-stats.

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