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ERA 1 Start Date September 3, 2018 / End Date December 9, 2018
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
Aggie-SR #1 3,409,674 Elves #1 #1 #1 #1
14,065,581,751 Gold Cannons Hand of God 756,623,466,144 386,182,553,342 9,549,004,084,356 7,390,209,805,370
CarPoolLane #2 2,395,698 Elves #3 #2 #3 #2
698,771,437 Gold Cannons Hand of God 305,016,634,398 383,025,880,168 3,516,650,243,556 5,012,202,640,133
Franky-RB #3 1,316,855 Elves #5 #5 #4 #4
2,995,090 Gold Cannons Hand of God 179,753,787,643 167,550,404,371 2,296,991,094,162 2,114,138,170,618
LancelotNL #4 1,462,716 Elves #4 #3 #7 #5
4,961 Gold Cannons Hand of God 201,132,397,463 222,954,633,884 2,534,291,289,513 2,038,056,296,282
ThatsAllFolks-RL #5 2,681,926 Dwarves #6 #6 #6 #3
5,501,848 Gold Cannons Hand of God 117,273,318,659 251,028,153,987 2,433,377,900,977 2,838,446,904,588
TheGodFather_LaCN #6 2,202,578 Dwarves #9 #4 #2 #6
4,674,981 Gold Cannons Hand of God 71,811,284,910 233,972,569,020 1,888,087,450,663 1,659,017,775,300
HoTiX #7 414,641 Elves #2 #7 #5 #7
1,630,346,743 Gold Cannons Hand of God 378,122,862,444 62,372,016,713 2,071,936,952,416 1,415,391,596,927
OldMilwaukee #8 901,850 Humans #7 #9 #12 #10
76,084,333 Gold Cannons Hand of God 87,208,271,831 48,962,292,253 787,641,878,792 697,039,892,600
Shades #9 126,867 Elves #8 #12 #11 #11
323,359 Gold Cannons Hand of God 73,708,433,511 41,409,527,500 987,562,948,108 762,676,553,665
Runeproking #10 249,042 Elves #13 #11 #10 #9
1,308,484 Gold Cannons Hand of God 52,862,495,466 33,486,227,913 1,069,270,715,669 912,264,465,180
FighterOfLife #11 190,302 Elves #11 #13 #9 #12
2,768,393 Gold Cannons Hand of God 63,979,268,979 35,660,483,039 1,151,307,757,450 692,569,743,970
QoSD #12 233,046 Elves #10 #17 #13 #13
41,326 Gold Cannons Hand of God 61,009,975,449 22,676,513,798 777,169,496,324 613,181,058,879
Bonesaw_DEMK #13 1,479,641 Humans #19 #14 #14 #8
12,822,705 Gold Cannons Hand of God 40,825,544,347 26,150,025,536 753,036,025,679 1,236,531,686,165
Pirad #14 337,658 Orcs #14 #10 #23 #14
1,644,214 Gold Cannons Hand of God 64,192,974,838 30,764,816,246 363,042,348,859 497,661,845,978
TrueReigN #15 284,653 Elves #18 #19 #21 #18
755,106 Gold Cannons Hand of God 41,048,816,007 18,531,237,834 386,004,925,714 341,456,510,971
EpikGamer #16 93,918 Orcs #20 #29 #22 #19
399,513 Gold Cannons Citadel 40,782,866,963 9,460,737,964 378,391,302,432 327,248,092,789
MindTheGap #17 256,509 Orcs #24 #24 #27 #17
1,654,759 Gold Cannons Hand of God 28,776,545,841 10,552,348,362 311,550,994,991 344,238,183,310
Boltz-SR #18 185,345 Elves #15 #23 #26 #30
900,549 Gold Cannons Citadel 43,476,516,874 11,041,294,557 338,830,714,138 179,243,116,796
RandomMan #19 639,194 Orcs #27 #15 #35 #24
1,445,228 Gold Cannons Hand of God 26,515,214,231 28,176,976,656 239,009,521,322 233,617,369,309
Tricus-SR #20 382,104 Orcs #26 #36 #50 #21
12,929,726 Gold Cannons Citadel 27,448,948,226 7,294,312,255 192,666,682,545 285,263,066,628
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