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ERA 8 Start Date August 23, 2020 / End Date December 20, 2020
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
RelentlessDragon-RL #1 6,967,298 Dwarves #2 #1 #1 #2
1,042,945,635 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 4,917,258,286,510 7,716,266,773,413 6,128,788,181,288 4,580,737,908,322
Dank #2 6,853,193 Orcs #1 #2 #2 #1
1,119,227,407 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 7,061,187,063,703 5,746,297,983,639 4,227,834,084,626 5,435,921,329,219
TheGodFather_LaCN #3 5,461,542 Undead #3 #3 #4 #3
831,581,753 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 4,259,974,735,404 3,622,727,936,842 3,605,682,961,109 4,488,970,666,941
evilmiget0021 #4 5,048,317 Orcs #4 #5 #5 #4
806,008,115 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 3,746,303,590,040 2,466,081,289,071 3,595,631,818,039 3,737,413,119,173
infit #5 3,475,078 Undead #5 #7 #3 #6
619,873,436 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 2,602,635,965,854 1,742,539,448,456 3,701,860,819,057 3,286,384,804,812
Negan-RB #6 6,777,736 Undead #8 #9 #6 #5
13,532,488,790 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 2,018,663,685,381 1,470,615,262,182 3,251,227,107,523 3,538,533,619,569
shk1020-SR #7 1,953,403 Orcs #6 #8 #8 #7
498,518,252 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 2,179,905,060,711 1,703,042,644,612 2,440,433,190,251 3,233,556,125,783
Aqiret #8 4,924,623 Dwarves #7 #6 #9 #8
11,394,212,163 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 2,178,149,559,808 2,244,607,379,890 2,156,663,131,512 3,201,477,345,460
Orlovi #9 2,668,753 Undead #9 #11 #7 #9
583,269,278 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 1,557,345,706,092 1,251,411,911,334 2,827,989,624,995 2,962,888,317,569
QoSD #10 7,059,750 Dwarves #10 #4 #13 #10
17,046,173,748 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 1,449,969,332,194 2,944,083,638,399 933,246,846,605 2,434,721,947,470
TheWall #11 2,490,959 Dwarves #12 #10 #11 #11
387,510,517 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 1,075,027,926,845 1,375,373,136,459 1,145,151,313,739 1,679,119,229,138
Gmoney_NGF #12 2,454,239 Humans #11 #13 #12 #13
586,030,475 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 1,282,733,902,400 909,695,050,417 1,112,191,372,861 1,333,041,116,519
OldMilwaukee #13 4,999,553 Dwarves #15 #12 #14 #12
834,860,450 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 727,875,421,528 945,466,655,013 870,725,017,730 1,463,469,670,184
Mufasa #14 1,581,371 Orcs #13 #16 #10 #15
425,504,529 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 877,055,325,874 501,496,215,932 1,895,403,611,563 1,110,572,803,698
Blash-ToF #15 3,130,057 Hobbits #14 #15 #16 #14
652,336,601 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 800,300,297,658 583,333,649,275 787,381,696,726 1,277,706,527,851
C0mpil3r #16 983,705 Dwarves #17 #18 #15 #16
256,966,254 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 620,484,104,200 474,332,192,614 803,231,562,978 1,046,191,345,175
Hux18-NGF #17 1,367,096 Dwarves #16 #17 #17 #18
325,316,864 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 623,853,771,205 482,280,380,121 709,011,889,053 810,109,937,275
Enigma #18 4,198,956 Undead #20 #23 #21 #17
765,837,382 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 533,351,842,045 345,758,507,975 581,321,678,109 871,483,795,847
Alethoru #19 1,000,037 Undead #23 #19 #20 #20
485,682,812 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 442,573,836,133 443,453,169,564 622,042,580,999 695,663,209,000
Gasherbrum #20 1,328,692 Humans #19 #25 #19 #23
423,199,610 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 542,166,284,150 315,075,894,268 650,695,240,716 668,623,848,745
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